Marketing On Demand
In today’s competitive marketplace, effective marketing, sales and customer service support, as well as training, is a must for any small business to thrive and grow. The problem is, most business owners are too busy running the day to day operations of their business to dedicate enough time to these tasks themselves. Most also don’t need, or need to invest in, full time marketing/training/customer service/HR managers to handle all of these things for them. That’s where StoneWood Partners Marketing on Demand comes in. We help you design and monitor effective programs that will help you make more money. We’ll develop a cost effective advertising program based on your goals and monitor the results to ensure you’re spending your marketing dollars the right way to reach the right ready to buy customers. We can also mentor and train your sales and customer service team to handle those new leads more effectively and monitor the results to ensure you're maximizing the new leads your marketing program is bringing in.
Marketing on Demand offers professional business consulting services on your terms without long term contracts or commitments.
Customized programs for the needs of each business client.